Coast2Coast Day 16 (Rest Day): In Missoula; restore, rejuvenate, relax (only a bit), and refresh!
After nearly 1,000 miles we are spending a second night in Missoula. Spent time this morning working to find a bike shop with the ‘right’ size of tires for our Alchemy Atlas and Cannondale Synapse (28mm and 25mm, respectively. Missoula Bicycle Works changed out the tires/tubes/slime expeditiously, while Melissa and I spent time browsing/shopping on Higgins Street.
The bikes are now ‘refreshed’ with new tires, after we have abused them not just with the 1,000 miles, but the 40+ miles on the freshly laid chip seal from before Richland to Oxbow, OR.
The weather today was sunny and pleasant, as we visited the Adventure Cycling Offices this afternoon. While there we received an update on the status of roads through Yellowstone, and how to connect with the Parks, Peaks and Prairies Route that will take us into and through Wyoming. We were taken on a tour of the offices that include a multitude of photographs of early bike riding in the US and a ride going the length of North and South America (looked very messy)! Also on display is a plethora of old/antique bicycles/tandems/bicycles-for-three+. [Amy, Beth, Juliet and Geoff were very helpful, while Melissa enjoyed the Cyclist Lounge!]
While at Adventure Cycling, Lee, Al and Larry came into the offices, with somewhat long faces. Lee could not get his troubling foot examined in Missoula. Without a diagnosis, and not wanting to risk being on the road somewhere remote with limited options, the three are heading back to Indianapolis from Missoula. Maybe we will see Al again at RAGBRA this year!! Hopefully, we will connect again!
Cathy ran errands for provisions for the road, and other things to keep Melissa happy. Cathy and Melissa advanced laundry to get us mostly caught up. (We have had a few days with riding, and ending the day without a shower. Clean kits after are not the best balance, but helps to tilt in the right direction!)
Melissa scheduled massages for her and me. The healing touch helped to extricate lactic acid and rejuvenate our muscle sets. After which caution was thrown to the wind as Phil was charged with ordering pizza! Cathy and Melissa played Jackbox games via Zoom with folks from Austin, Chicago, Los Angeles and Topeka!
Awesome day today, and promise for a great day tomorrow! We will relax for the rest of the evening, and prepare for a long ride tomorrow AND connecting with Darren, Moose and Reggie in Sulla!